Notes: The Scope, Duration and Significance of Marijuana Use

4 min read

Notes on sections (a) – (n)

1 U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 1970, p. 4603. (1970)

2 Zinberg, N. Drug, Set, and Setting. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1984.

3 ibid. pg. 16.

4 U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment (1994) pg. 29.

5 ibid., pg. 75.

6 Shafer, R., Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. (1972) Marihuana, a signal of misunderstanding; first report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, March 1972. Washington, D.C.: Govt. Print. Office, 1972.

7 Shafer, R., Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. (1973) Drug Use In America: Problem In Perspective, second report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, Vol. I. March 1973. Washington, D.C.: Govt. Print. Office, 1973.

8 ibid. pg. 13-14.

9 ibid. pg. 36.

10 Brady, J.V. What’s a Radical Behaviorist Like You Doing in a Nice Pharmacology Club like CPDD? In: Problems of Drug Dependence, 1992. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Scientific Meeting, The Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc. Harris, L. (ed.), National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Monograph 132. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1993. pg. 19 -28.

11 ibid. pg. 19-20.

12 Zinberg, 1984 pg. 203-204.

13 OTA, 1994 pg. 124.

14 Grinspoon, L. Marihuana, The Forbidden Medicine. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1993.

15 54 FR 53,767 – 53,785.

16 Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics v. Drug Enforcement Administration. 15 F3d 1131 (1994, App DC)

17 54 Fed. Reg. 53,772 (1989)

18 57 Fed. Reg. 10,499 (1992)

19 54 Fed. Reg. 53,769 (1989)

20 Hollister, (1986) pg. 17.

21 In 1991 a study found CBD neither toxic nor effective. See Consroe, P., Laguna, J. et al. “Controlled Clinical Trial of Cannabidiol in Huntington’s Disease.” Pharmacology, Biochemistry, & Behavior, Vol. 40. pg. 701-708. 1991.

22 Mechoulam, R. (1986), “Interview with Professor Raphael Mechoulam, Codiscoverer of THC”, The International Journal of the Addictions, 21(4&5), 579-587, 1986. (The interview was conducted by Stanley Einstein in Jerusalem on January 14, 1985.) pg. 584-5.

23 Herkenham, M., Lynn, A. (1990) pg. 1936.

24 Herkenham, M. (1992) pg. 29-30.

25 Abood and Martin (1992) pg. 205.

26 Swann, N. “Marijuana’s Natural Counterpart Discovered.” NIDA Notes. September/October 1993. pg. 8.

27 54 Fed. Reg. 53,772 (1989)

28 Brownell, G. Marijuana and the Law in California: A Historical and Political Overview. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Vol. 20(1):71-74. pg. 72.

29 Aldrich, M., Mikuriya, T., et al. Fiscal Savings In California Marijuana Law Enforcement, 1976 – 1985 Attributable to the Moscone Act of 1976, Berkeley, CA: Medi-Comp Press. 1986.

30 Aldrich, M.R., Mikuriya, T. Savings in California, Marijuana Law Enforcement Costs Attributable to the Moscone Act of 1976–A Summary. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Vol. 20(1):75-81.

31 ibid. pg. 79.

32 Gettman, J. Cannabis Suppression and Marijuana Crop Value. (Washington, D.C.: NORML.) 1993. Most of the material in this part of section 5 has been excerpted from this 1993 NORML report, with the permission of the author.

33 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1982 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1983., pg. iii (emphasis in original).

34 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1983 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1984, pg. 1.

35 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1992 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1993., pg. 1.

36 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1990 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1991a, pg. 32.

37 DEA, 1993, pg. iii.

38 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1986 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1987. pg. 24.

39 ibid., pg. 25.

40 ibid., pg. 24.

41 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1987 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1988, pg. 20.

42 ibid., pg. 21.

43 ibid., pg. 21.

44 National Drug Enforcement Policy Board, “Analysis of the Domestic Cannabis Problem and The Federal Response, Staff Report” (Washington, D.C.: NDEPB,) 1986b.

45 DEA 1983, pg. 1.

46 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1985 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1986., pg. 1.

47 DEA 1991a, pg. 32.

48 DEA 1983, pg. 1.

49 ibid., pg. 4.

50 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1983 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1984, pg. 4.

51 ibid., pg. 4.

52 ibid., pg. 5.

53 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1984 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1985, pg. 6.

54 ibid., pg. 6.

55 DEA. 1986.

56 National Drug Enforcement Policy Board, “Federal Drug Enforcement Progress Report, 1984-1985” (Washington, D.C.: NDEPB,) 1986a., pg. 144.

57 NDEPB 1986a, pg. 144.

58 NDEPB 1986b, pg. ii.

59 ibid., pg. iii.

60 ibid., pg. 22.

61 ibid., pg. iii.

62 ibid., pg. iv.

63 ibid., pg. 7.

64 National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee, “(19)89 Narcotics Intelligence Estimate” (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1990.

65 NDEPB 1986b, pg. 17.

66 ibid., pg. 24.

67 ibid., pg. 24/25.

68 ibid., pg. 48.

69 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1987 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1988, pg. 21

70 ibid., pg. 22.

71 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1989 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1990., pg. 1

72 ibid., pg. 1.

73 ibid., pg. 4.

74 ibid., pg. 4.

75 ibid., pg. 22.

76 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1990 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1991a. pg. 26.

77 ibid., pg. 32.

78 ibid., pg. 32.

79 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1991 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) December 1991b, pg. 4.

80 ibid., pg. 25.

81 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1992 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1993, pg. 1.

82 ibid., pg. 1.

83 ibid., pg. 2.

84 DEA 1984, pg. 5.

85 DEA 1985, pg. 6.

86 DEA 1986, pg. 5.

87 NDEPB 1986b, pg. 41.

88 ibid., pg. 34.

89 ibid., pg. 41.

90 ibid., pg. 42.

91 NDEPB 1986b

92 ibid., pg. 51.

93 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1988 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1989.

94 ibid., pg. 20.

95 ibid., pg. 20.

96 ibid., pg. 20.

97 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1990 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1991a., pg. 24.

98 ibid., pg. 22.

99 National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee, “(19)90 Narcotics Intelligence Estimate” (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1991.

100 DEA 1990, pg. 22.

101 DEA 1991a

102 DEA 1991b, pg. 4.

103 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1992 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1993., pg. 7-8.

104 DEA 1986, pg. 2.

105 DEA, 1983.

106 DEA 1984, pg. 12.

107 DEA 1985, pg. 21.

108 DEA 1986. pg. 22-23.

109 DEA 1985, pg. 6.

110 DEA 1985, pg. 14.

111 U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis Investigation Section. 1985 Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program. (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1986. pg. 14

112 ibid.

113 ibid., pg. 14

114 DEA 1987

115 DEA 1989, pg. 21.

116 DEA 1990.

117 Vaughn, Ed., “National Guard Involvement in the Drug War.” NORML Reports. (Washington, D.C.: National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.) 1992.

118 ibid.

119 ibid.

120 ibid.

121 ibid.

122 ibid.

123 DEA 1986, pg. 4.

124 NDEPB 1986b, pg. 48.

125 ibid.

126 DEA 1988, pg. 1.

127 ibid., pg. 4.

128 DEA 1989, pg. 21.

129 DEA 1990, pg. 4.

130 DEA 1991a, pg. 3.

131 ibid., pg. 26

132 ibid., pg. 32

133 ibid., pg. 33

134 ibid., pg. 33

135 ibid., pg. 33

136 U.S. News & World Reports, 11/16/89.

137 DEA, 1993.

138 Insight Magazine 7/1/91, pg. 13.

139 Insight Magazine 7/1/91, pg. 17.

140 Wall Street Journal 12/24/92. “Appalachian Kentucky Relies on Marijuana To Buttress Economy” by Joe Davidson.

141 The Tennessean 12/6/92. “State turns top crop into billion-dollar debris.” Sunday Special: Marijuana in Tennessee.

142 DEA 1993, pg. 1

143 ibid., pg. 28

144 DEA 1983, pg. iii (emphasis in original)

145 DEA 1983, pg. 5

146 DEA 1984, pg. 5

147 DEA 1990, pg. 4

148 National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee, “(19)89 Narcotics Intelligence Estimate” (Washington, D.C.: DEA,) 1990.

149 Stowell, Charles A., “California Cannabis Cultivation, Marijuana in the 90’s, A Report.” (Sacramento, California: Drug Enforcement Administration.) 1991.

150 NDEPB 1986b, pg. 15,16.

151 President’s Commission on Organized Crime, 1986

152 LA Times News Service: “Crop Pot economy rides high” 5/17/90 by Douglas Jehl.

153 Rhodes, W., Scheiman, P., et al. What America’s Users Spend on Illegal Drugs, 1988-1993. Washington, D.C.: Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1995. Prepared by ABT Associates under contract no. DC2C04.

154 ibid. pg. 22.

155 Gettman, 1993.

156 Chalsma, A., Boyum, D. Marijuana Situation Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Office of National Drug Control Policy. 1994. pg. 38-40.

157 ibid. pg. 45.

158 ibid. pg. 46.

159 Rhodes et al (1995) pg. 38.

160 ibid. pg. 38.