Virginia Marijuana Possession Arrest Rates by Race (1994-2007)

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  Total White Black Other
Population Coverage
2007 100% 17,515 227.41 9,600 54.81% 170.23 7,812 44.60% 509.25 103 0.59% 26.31
2006 100% 14,873 194.67 8,210 55.20% 146.43 6,580 44.24% 432.20 83 0.56% 21.74
2005 99% 14,233 189.90 8,033 56.44% 145.75 6,121 43.01% 409.36 79 0.56% 21.41
2004 99% 13,520 183.29 7,909 58.50% 145.38 5,539 40.97% 376.95 72 0.53% 20.44
2003 99% 12,779 175.00 7,719 60.40% 142.95 4,983 38.99% 342.31 77 0.60% 22.84
2002 99% 12,592 174.64 7,830 62.18% 146.60 4,667 37.06% 323.60 95 0.75% 29.48
2001 100% 12,634 176.76 8,069 63.87% 151.88 4,486 35.51% 314.42 79 0.63% 25.66
2000 98% 12,636 181.62 8,027 63.52% 154.91 4,518 35.75% 324.53 91 0.72% 31.49
1999 100% 13,205 192.50 8,451 64.00% 162.61 4,641 35.15% 334.79 113 0.86% 40.85
1998 100% 14,906 221.31 9,559 64.13% 186.74 5,262 35.30% 388.39 85 0.57% 32.49
1997 100% 16,129 239.92 10,676 66.19% 208.13 5,369 33.29% 400.29 84 0.52% 33.35
1996 100% 15,860 237.93 10,578 66.70% 207.26 5,206 32.82% 393.68 76 0.48% 31.70
1995 100% 13,917 210.13 9,808 70.47% 192.83 4,028 28.94% 308.01 81 0.58% 35.38
1994 100% 9,982 151.32 7,164 71.77% 140.88 2,774 27.79% 214.76 44 0.44% 20.04


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Populaton Coverage: Percent of the state’s population covered by the local police agencies reporting data for this year.

Other: Includes Native Americans and Asian. Data on Hispanics is not available from the UCR Program.

Source: Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data

Because of incomplete reporting the arrest totals presented in tables with data on age, sex, and race will NOT always correspond to totals presented in other tables. Please review the following background material for More Information on Source Data.